These days, it seems we have an app to track every aspect of our health and fitness. Heart health? There’s an app for that. Snoring and Sleep hygiene? There’s an app for that. Blood sugar monitoring? There’s even an app for that! But for vocal health and fitness, there aren’t many options – and as voice surgeons, this is a topic dear to our heart. So, over the last couple years we have been working with other specialists, singers and voice therapists on building an app for that purpose. Infinivox® is the initial result of that process – it’s a smartphone app for anybody that cares about their vocal fitness, but especially for singers and vocal professionals, It measures objective vocal tasks such as your vocal range, the number and width of any vocal breaks, your vocal stamina, and compares it against various questionnaires of vocal function, such as Reflux questionnaires, the EASE questionnaire, and others. You can even create your own custom daily self-reflective questionnaires, and then the app can help you compare all these scores over time, and even calculates a neat summary score. We are looking for alpha testers right now to help us improve the app, so if you’d like to download and try the app for free, visit our new landing page:
We’d love your feedback!