How to complete this Questionnaire:
- Below you will find a list of symptoms and social/emotional consequences of your rhinosinusitis.
- We would like to know more about these problems and would appreciate your answering the following questions to the best of your ability.
- There are no right or wrong answers, and only you can provide us with this information.
- Please rate your problems as they have been over the past two weeks.
Considering how severe the problem is when you experience it and how frequently it happens, please rate each item below on how “bad” it is by selecting the answer corresponds with how you feel
0 = No problem
1 = Very Mild problem
2 = Mild or slight problem
3 = Moderate problem
4 = Severe problem
5 = Problem as bad as it can be
1 = Very Mild problem
2 = Mild or slight problem
3 = Moderate problem
4 = Severe problem
5 = Problem as bad as it can be